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Updates on the Coronavirus Outbreak

CARES Act Reports


With a surge in cases related to the Omicron variant, the COVID-19 pandemic is still very much present in the state of Alabama. At Bevill State Community College, the health, safety, and well-being of our students, faculty, staff, and the greater college community is a top priority. The following outlines operational guidelines related to COVID-19 for Spring 2022:

  • Face masks are strongly encouraged on all Bevill State Community College campuses. Bevill State Community College will have masks available on its campuses.
  • Face masks may be required in some classrooms and other areas where employees interact with students when social distancing cannot be maintained.
  • The facilities/maintenance staff will continue to clean and disinfect all buildings, as well as frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Individuals are also expected to practice physical distancing wherever possible.
  • Vaccinations/Boosters are strongly encouraged for all students, faculty, and staff.

In coordination with local health officials, Bevill State will continue to monitor local conditions and make adjustments to protocols as needed.


With a surge in cases related to the Delta variant, the COVID-19 pandemic is still very much present in the state of Alabama. It is our desire to continue our plans for Bevill State Community College to return to pre-pandemic operations for Fall 2021. It is also our topmost priority to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of Bevill State students, faculty, staff, and the greater college community. The following outlines operational guidelines related to COVID-19 for Fall 2021:

Vaccination is the leading prevention strategy to protect individuals from COVID-19 disease and end the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 vaccine significantly reduces the potential of severe illness, hospitalizations, and death. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective and everyone 12 years of age and older is now eligible to get a free COVID-19 vaccination.

Pursuant to state law, Bevill State Community College will not mandate the COVID vaccine as a condition of attendance or employment, but vaccination is strongly encouraged for all students, faculty, and staff.


  • Face masks are strongly encouraged on all Bevill State Community College campuses. Bevill State Community College will have masks available on its campuses.
  • Face masks will be required in some classrooms and other areas where employees interact with students when social distancing cannot be maintained.
  • The facilities/maintenance staff will clean and disinfect all buildings, as well as frequently touched objects and surfaces, as they have over the past year.
  • Individuals are also expected to practice physical distancing wherever possible. Physical distancing means keeping space of at least 3 feet between people who are not from your household.

In coordination with local health officials, Bevill State will continue to monitor local conditions. Protocols and procedures will be reviewed on a bi-monthly basis.

As you are now well aware, public health guidance can change quickly in this rapidly evolving environment. Bevill State will continue to monitor local, state, and national health and safety guidance and maintain contingency plans should they be needed.


The health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff are paramount to Bevill State Community College. As the College prepares to return to on-campus, in-person instruction on January 25, 2021, extra precautions and protocols are in place to protect the College community (To view a BSCC Safety and Cleaning Protocol video go to 

1. Frequent cleaning and disinfecting of common surfaces 
2. Mask mandate 
3. Social distancing
4. Signage 
5. Staying home when sick or immediately exposed 
6. Personal hygiene (handwashing, covering coughs, etc.) 

According to Alabama Governor Kay Ivey’s Amended Safer at Home Order issued on December 9, 2020 (, each person shall wear a mask or other facial covering that covers his or her nostrils and mouth at all times when within six feet of a person from another household in any of the following places: an indoor space open to the general public, a vehicle operated by a transportation service, or an outdoor public space where ten or more people are gathered.

At Bevill State Community College, all in-person instruction participants will be required to wear a mask. Disposable masks will be available at entryways for any student or employee that may have forgotten their mask. 

Enforcement (barring any exceptions listed in the Governor’s Amended Safer at Home Order):
: When in a classroom setting, the faculty member in charge of the classroom shall address the non-compliance as a classroom management issue and request the face-covering be used. Continued refusal by the student will result in potential referral through the student conduct process.
Employees: Supervisors shall address non-compliance directly with employees. Employees shall refrain from addressing non-compliance or perceived non-compliance with other employees and should instead report issues to their direct supervisor. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, dates, events, and locations may change. The College will update this information as needed. For the most current information on Bevill State Community College’s response to coronavirus (COVID-19), go to


At this time, Bevill State Community College will move forward with the plan to return traditional courses to campus-based, in-person instruction on January 25, 2021. Bevill State Administration will continue to carefully monitor the situation and will be prepared to take any necessary precautions based on published guidance issued by the Alabama Department of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Office of the Governor of the State of Alabama, and the Alabama Community College System Chancellor.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, dates, events, and locations may change. The College will update this information as needed. For the most current information on Bevill State Community College’s response to coronavirus (COVID-19), go to


Due to the surge in COVID-19 cases, Bevill State Community College will begin the 2021 Spring Semester with classes in a virtual, online, or remote format. Classes will begin as scheduled on Friday, January 8, 2021. Students should log in to their Canvas account on this date for communication from their instructors with course-specific details.

BSCC President Dr. Joel Hagood and other Bevill State administrators will continually review the COVID-19 health data for the College’s service area to determine if it is indeed safe to move forward with the plan to return traditional courses to campus-based instruction. Currently, Bevill State plans to resume on-campus instruction on January 25, 2021.

The safety of our students, faculty, and staff is paramount to Bevill State Community College. We also want to continue to meet the educational needs of our students. We will continue to carefully monitor the situation and will be prepared to take any necessary precautions based on published guidance issued by the Alabama Department of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Office of the Governor of the State of Alabama, and the Alabama Community College System Chancellor.

At this time, all locations of Bevill State will be open during regular business hours. The following protocols are in place to protect the College community:

  1. Frequent cleaning and disinfecting of common surfaces
  2. Personal hygiene (handwashing, covering coughs, etc.)
  3. Mask mandate
  4. Social distancing
  5. Staying home when sick or immediately exposed
  6. Signage

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, dates, events, and locations may change. The College will update this information as needed. For the most current information on Bevill State Community College’s response to coronavirus (COVID-19), go to



Bevill State Community College has received notice that employees and students have tested positive for COVID-19 and are currently quarantined and receiving medical treatment in accordance with public health protocols. Out of an abundance of caution and in our efforts to stem the spread of the COVID-19 virus we will be notifying the instructor and all students in the students’ classes, to the extent possible, and these individuals will be asked to self-quarantine for the next 14 days.

Health and safety remain our number one priority. Bevill State is following medical protocols from state and national health authorities and has implemented recommended guidelines in relation to social distancing, hygiene, travel, and visits to the College. In addition, we are taking additional steps to attempt to ensure the cleanliness of all of our facilities. While we hope this will be the only positive test for COVID-19 within our College community, in the event there are others of which we become aware, we will use our best efforts to notify those we are able to determine have had contact with that individual so they may take recommended health measures. 

The College is committed to keeping you updated on the local COVID-19 risk and will provide direction to our staff, students, and families with additional instruction as appropriate.


According to Alabama Governor Kay Ivey’s Amended Safer at Home Order issued on July 15, 2020 (, effective July 16, 2020 at 5:00 P.M., each person shall wear a mask or other facial covering that covers his or her nostrils and mouth at all times when within six feet of a person from another household in any of the following places: an indoor space open to the general public, a vehicle operated by a transportation service, or an outdoor public space where ten or more people are gathered.

Furthermore, Bevill State Community College has the following policy concerning Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

  • All in-person instruction participants will be required to wear a mask. One face mask will be provided to students on their first day of in-person instruction. Personal face masks and face coverings may be used in lieu of a Bevill State-supplied mask.
  • Every employee will be issued a washable and reusable mask upon their return to campus and will be expected to use them when in the company of others. Personal face masks and face coverings may be used in lieu of a Bevill State-supplied mask.

Enforcement (barring any exceptions listed in the Governor’s Amended Safer at Home Order):
: When in a classroom setting, the faculty member in charge of the classroom shall address the non-compliance as a classroom management issue and request the face covering be used. Continued refusal by the student will result in potential referral through the student conduct process.
Employees: Supervisors shall address non-compliance directly with employees. Employees shall refrain from addressing non-compliance or perceived non-compliance with other employees and should instead report issues to their direct supervisor.


Effective Wednesday, June 17, 2020, Bevill State Community College Career Technical, Health Sciences, Adult Education, and Workforce Training courses that have outcomes that cannot be measured or achieved virtually, such as laboratory, clinical experiences, and certification testing will begin in-person small group instruction. All other summer classes will remain in an online, virtual, or remote format for the remainder of the term. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, dates, events, and locations may change.

Students that will begin face-to-face instruction beginning June 17, will receive detailed instruction from their instructor concerning procedures and protocols including, but not limited to, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), temperature checks, social distancing, waivers, schedules, and class expectations.

Students, faculty, and staff will be requested not to return to the college premises if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19.

All services to students will continue to be handled remotely apart from cashier services provided by appointment only. College facilities will remain closed to the general public.

The College will modify safety guidelines according to current health regulations as required. The College will update this information as needed.

For the most current information on Bevill State Community College’s response to coronavirus (COVID-19), go to


On, May 21, 2020, Bevill State Community College announced in an email to students that funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act would be distributed to eligible students based on guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Education. The funds provide economic relief for students enrolled in one or more traditional classroom courses when COVID-19 measures were instituted, and instruction was moved to online delivery.

Students receiving checks must be “eligible” as defined by DOE guidelines and may use the funds “for expenses under a student’s cost of attendance, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care and childcare.”

Bevill State Community College acknowledges that the institution signed and returned to the Department of Education the Certification and Agreement that assures that at least 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act will be used to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students. The Certification and Agreement were signed on April 14, 2020, by Dr. Kim Ennis, President.

How much in CARES Act funds were distributed to Bevill State for emergency student aid?

How many Bevill State students have been deemed eligible to receive CARES Act funds?
1,441 students

Who is eligible for CARES Act funds?

  1. Student was enrolled in at least one face-to-face course as of March 16, 2020 in a Title IV approved program. 
  2. Student submitted a 2019-20 FAFSA with a valid ISIR on file at BSCC for Spring 2020.
  3. Student meets the Title IV eligibility criteria as stated below:

Section 484 of the HEA states that Title IV eligible students must:

  • Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in a degree or certificate program. 
  • Not be enrolled in elementary or secondary school.
  • For currently enrolled students, be making satisfactory academic progress.
  • Not owe an overpayment on Title IV grants or loans.
  • Not be in default on a Title IV loan.
  • File "as part of the original financial aid application process" a certification that includes
    • A statement of educational purpose.
    • Student's SSN.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or national, permanent resident, or other eligible noncitizen.
  • Have returned fraudulently obtained Title IV funds if convicted of or pled guilty or no contest to charges. 
  • Not have fraudulently received Title IV loans in excess of annual or aggregate limits.
  • Have repaid Title IV loan amounts in excess of annual or aggregate limits if obtained inadvertently.
  • Have Selective Service registration verified.
  • Have Social Security Number verified.
  • Not have a federal or state conviction for drug possession or sale, with certain time limitations.

Who is not eligible for CARES Act funds?

  • Students who do not meet the eligibility requirements listed above.
  • Students enrolled exclusively in online courses
  • Students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents (green card holders)
  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) students
  • Dual-enrolled high school students
  • Students who do not have a valid high school diploma or equivalent
  • Incarcerated students
  • Students who withdrew from all Bevill State classes as of close of business on March 16

Did Bevill State determine the eligibility requirements?
No. The guidelines for eligibility were issued by the U.S. Department of Education.

How will students be notified about their eligibility?
Students who can expect a CARES Act check were notified via email by May 21. The eligibility email will be sent to the primary email address the student has listed in MyBSCC.

How will Bevill State spend/disburse CARES Act funds?

  1. Eligible students in student housing will be issued a housing grant award based on a prorated refund of their housing rental fees for a total of $8353.80 for 35 eligible students.
  2. All eligible students will be issued a grant award based on the above basic criteria for a total of $1,290,444.32 for 1441 eligible students
  3. Out of the 1441 students eligible, 35 will receive both awards and a total of $1,298,798.12 will be disbursed to eligible students.

How will eligible students receive CARES Act funds?
Students will receive the funds via direct deposit if they have completed that process at the college, otherwise, a check will be mailed to the address on file at the college.

Are there guidelines/requirements on how students can spend CARES Act funds?
Students may use the funds “for expenses under a student’s cost of attendance, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care and childcare.”



As we conclude the Spring Semester at Bevill State Community College, I would like to commend the faculty, staff, and students for handling the unusual circumstances we faced this term with determination and creativity. As always, I am proud to be a part of the Bevill State family.

Bevill State Community College is sending notification letters and awards to recipients of Academic, Leadership, and Service awards for the 2019-2020 academic year.  We will be honoring these students online at the end of next week. Discussions are ongoing concerning alternatives for graduation. Successful completion of a student’s program of study is a monumental accomplishment. On behalf of the administration, faculty, and staff of Bevill State, we congratulate you on your graduation!

Advanced Registration for the Summer Semester is underway until May 14, 2020. The Bevill State Office of Student Services and faculty are serving students remotely to assist in any way with this process, or for anyone hoping to apply for the Fall Semester. The new Live Chat feature on the website has been a great success!

Alabama Community College Chancellor Jimmy Baker has encouraged the transition of full-time employees who have been unable to work during the pandemic emergency to return to work the day after the college’s spring semester ends. Effective May 18, 2020, Bevill State will begin a gradual and systematic transition back to on-campus work.

As we prepare for a transition back to an on-campus work environment, Bevill State will continue to follow state guidelines and protocols. Our plan is to allow for a gradual transition while keeping the health and safety of our faculty, staff, and students at the forefront. All employees working on campus must follow applicable protocols, including frequent hand washing and maintaining appropriate social distancing. We will release official COVID-19 Bevill State Health and Safety Guidelines to employees prior to May 18, 2020.

Libraries, computer labs, Learning Success Centers, and the testing offices will continue to be closed to the public until further notice.

I continue to be impressed with the ingenuity and resolve of everyone working toward ensuring that the business of education continues during this time. As we conclude Teacher Appreciation Week, I would like to end by saying THANK YOU to all educators. What you do is essential.

For the most current information on Bevill State Community College’s response to coronavirus (COVID-19), go to

Stay safe,
Kim Ennis, Ph.D.
Bevill State Community College



I hope that everyone is well. I continue to be encouraged by the hard work and dedication of our faculty, staff, and the Bevill State students as we work together to continue with remote classes throughout the remainder of the Spring Semester. I have always been proud of the Bevill State family, and the resilience and innovation that has been demonstrated during this pandemic exemplifies why the College is special.

Advanced Registration for the Bevill State Community College begins this Monday, April 27 and continues through May 14. Registration is May 26. Summer Semester Classes begin as regularly scheduled on May 28. Since registration will be a little different for the Summer because of the unusual circumstances, we are encouraging all students to go to our website,, to obtain details on how to register.

Summer classes will begin in an online, virtual, or remote format, with plans for classes to resume on-campus later in the semester. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have to be mindful that dates, events, and locations may change. The College will update this information as needed.

I know that this is a challenging experience for everyone, and I encourage everyone to remember that self-care is important during this time. Everyone has a lot of stressors. We are all working to ensure that we finish this semester and start the next semester strong. However, it is important to take time to step away from your computer. Go for a walk or do some activity that helps you to relax. We are all on the same team throughout this, and together is when we are our strongest.

For the most current information on Bevill State Community College’s response to coronavirus (COVID-19), go to

Kim Ennis, Ph.D.
Bevill State Community College


Dear Bevill State Family,

Today marks Bevill State Community College’s second full week of remote learning.  I want to commend the faculty, staff, and students for working together with patience and innovation during the transition. The College’s commitment to student success has been evident throughout the process.

Bevill State is making every effort to keep students and instructors updated on available resources, and striving to provide the necessary tools for continued learning as possible. In an effort to provide our students with continued tutoring services this semester, online tutoring resources became available to students. Students have access to online tutoring with a BSCC tutor within their Canvas accounts. These tutors can communicate with students, review coursework, and provide assistance through the available resources in Canvas.

In addition, the College has contracted with Smarthinking, an on-line 24/7 on-demand tutoring service through Pearson Publishing, which provides tutoring in multiple subject matters. Smarthinking will increase our tutoring options, especially for students who may need after-hours access. This expansion of our tutoring services will provide valuable academic support and assistance for students during these unusual times in higher education. 

Advanced Registration for the Summer Semester will take place April 27 through May 14, with Registration on May 26 and classes beginning as regularly scheduled on May 28. All classes will begin in an online, virtual, or remote format, with plans for classes to resume on-campus later in the semester. Of course, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we must remain flexible and know that dates, events, and locations may change.

The decision was made by Alabama State Superintendent Dr. Eric Mackey that any high school senior who was in “good standing” and “on track to graduate” at the end of the third nine-week period, before schools closed due to the coronavirus pandemic can be declared a high school graduate.  While Bevill State congratulates the high school graduates, we are making efforts to ensure that every high school senior enrolled in a BSCC Dual Enrollment course completes their coursework to receive the appropriate credit.

Summer 2020 Admission for the Nursing Programs on the Hamilton and Jasper campuses has been cancelled. The Fall 2020 Nursing Application Deadline has been extended to June 15th for Nursing (Fayette/Sumiton), Mobility (Sumiton/Fayette) and Military Medic mobility.  Applications are currently available online at

Scholarship letters for Fall 2020 will be mailed to future Bevill State Community College students this upcoming week. Administration is currently accepting Honors nominations for the current semester, so that those students can be recognized for their academic achievements. While there is uncertainty during this time, it is apparent that everyone at Bevill State remains committed to helping students continue to learn, thrive, and succeed.

For the most current information on Bevill State Community College’s response to coronavirus (COVID-19), go to

Kim Ennis, Ph.D.
Bevill State Community College


Dear Bevill State Family,

I would like to start by expressing my gratitude to the students, faculty, staff, and administration as we navigate through these uncharted waters. The changes being required of us during this global pandemic will be a transition, but I believe that change always brings opportunity. We will all be challenged to be innovative, patient, and compassionate. During this time, please know that Bevill State is committed to the well-being and success of our students.  Our faculty and staff will work diligently and creatively to see that the educational needs of our students are met.

  • Per the directive of Alabama Community College System Chancellor Jimmy Baker, remote instruction will continue through the end of the Spring Semester.
  • Courses are scheduled to resume in an online format on Monday, March 30, 2020. A great deal of planning and resources have been utilized to make this transition as smooth as possible.  Students, please remember to check your BearMail and Canvas accounts regularly for correspondence from your instructors on how this will look for each of your courses. Do not get discouraged during this change. We will all work together to help you achieve your educational goals.
  • Advanced Registration for the Summer Semester, scheduled to begin on April 1, will be rescheduled.
  • The College remains closed to the public until further notice.
  • Commencement Ceremonies and on-campus Honors Nights will not be held as scheduled. The College is considering alternative ways to honor the achievements of our students. Graduation Ceremonies will be rescheduled for a later date.

I know that this is a fast-moving, fluid situation, and that this causes anxiety for many.  Let me encourage you to remain calm and informed. The Bevill State Family is strong, and will face this together. We will continue to keep you informed as information is available. Your patience and cooperation are appreciated. 

For the most current information on Bevill State Community College’s response to coronavirus (COVID-19), go to

Kim Ennis, Ph.D.
Bevill State Community College


Bevill State Community College (BSCC) has received notice that one BSCC student has tested positive for COVID-19 and is currently quarantined and receiving medical treatment in accordance with public health protocols. Out of an abundance of caution and in our efforts to stem the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we have notified, the instructor(s) and all students in the student’s classes, to the extent possible, and these individuals will be asked to self-quarantine for the next 14 days. 

Health and safety remain our number one priority. BSCC is following medical protocols from state and national health authorities and has implemented recommended guidelines in relation to social distancing, hygiene, travel, and visits to the College.  In addition, we are taking additional steps to attempt to ensure the cleanliness or all of our facilities. While we hope and pray this will be the only positive test for COVID-19 within our College community, in the event there are others of which we become aware, we will use our best efforts to notify those we are able to determine have had contact with that individual so they may take recommended health measures.  The College is committed to keeping you updated on the local COVID-19 risk and will provide direction to our staff, students, and families with additional instruction as appropriate.


Bevill State Community College regrets to announce that due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, our on-campus Honors Nights and Commencement Ceremonies will not be held as scheduled. ACCS Chancellor Jimmy Bakers has provided the following direction, “As this unprecedented situation continually evolves, we must make every effort to protect our colleges and the well-being of our students, families, and our state. To that end, I am directing each College to cancel all traditional graduation ceremonies scheduled for this semester as they would involve large gatherings of people.”

The College is considering alternative ways to honor the achievements of our students. Graduation Ceremonies will be rescheduled for a later date. We will continue to work together during this time for the well-being and safety of our students, faculty, and staff. Your patience and cooperation are greatly appreciated.


At the recommendation of ACCS Chancellor Baker, we are heeding the guidance released on March 15 from Governor Ivey, “telework, flexible work schedules, and other techniques for accomplishing necessary functions while minimizing employee exposure to COVID-19.” Effective Tuesday, March 17, all locations of Bevill State Community College will be closed to the public. Online instruction will begin Monday, March 30. At this time, we plan to re-open facilities on Monday, April 6. This is a fluid situation and we will continue to monitor and update as needed.


Bevill State Community College will extend Spring Break for students only beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020. All instruction will resume Monday, March 30, in an online format. Faculty will observe the already established Spring Break dates of March 23-27, and will be offered additional training and hands-on support in online course delivery during the week of March 16-20. Open lab times for faculty training with an instructional designer and experienced online faculty will be provided.

The safety of our students, faculty, and staff is paramount to Bevill State Community College. We also want to continue to meet the educational needs of our students. We will continue to carefully monitor the situation and will be prepared to take any necessary precautions during this time. Thank you to the faculty and staff for their hard work in making this transition possible. This is a developing situation and we will keep you updated as needed.

At this time, all locations of Bevill State will be open during regular business hours.

For the most current information on Bevill State Community College’s response to coronavirus (COVID-19), go to

Kim Ennis, Ph.D.


Due to coronavirus concerns, Bevill State Community College will modify its class calendar and discontinue on-campus classes between March 17 and April 3, 2020. 

Classes will be held on Monday, March 16.

Please monitor the Bevill State "Coronavirus Information" website at and your Bevill State email account. 

More details will follow shortly. Thank you.


MONTGOMERY– The Alabama Community College System (ACCS) will temporarily discontinue on-campus instruction at 23 institutions across the state for the period of March 17 – April 3. Many ACCS institutions have a scheduled Spring Break during this time and students may be asked to extend this break period. This will allow the colleges faculty, staff, and administration to develop a plan for alternative instructional efforts.  All events scheduled at the state’s community colleges during this time frame are also cancelled. While classes will not be taking place on campus, ACCS colleges will continue normal operations. Colleges with dormitories will continue to provide basic services to the students who are housed on campus with no alternative options.

"Our students are our number one priority, and while our decision today to suspend courses is unprecedented it is a necessary precaution to ensure the health and safety of the more than 174,000 students we serve across the state,” said ACCS Chancellor Jimmy H. Baker. “Our ACCS response team continues to work closely with the Alabama Department of Public Health on this evolving issue and will continue to do everything we can to help stop the potential spread of COVID-19 in the state of Alabama.”

Alternative instruction plans are being developed by each ACCS college. These plans will be communicated directly to students by their respective institutions next week.

Other ACCS actions related to COVID-19:

  • All college-sponsored, supported or work related out-of-state travel and all system office work related out-of-state travel is canceled until further notice.
  • If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, or the employee’s child or dependent tests positive and the employee must stay home to provide care, then that employee should stay at home for 14 days and should not be charged sick, annual or personal leave.
  • The Alabama Community College Conference (ACCC) has announced the suspension of all regular season competition for all teams, effective March 13 through April 3. 

For continued updates and to view already issued directives to ACCS colleges visit

Link to Alabama Community College System (ACCS) Coronavirus Info


Earlier this week we shared information concerning the Coronavirus (COVID-19). At this time, we do not have any known cases in Alabama. I feel it is imperative to maintain a proactive approach and take additional steps to ensure the safety of all employees and students. I have created a task force to assess the situation and to take any necessary action.

Alabama Community College System Chancellor Jimmy Baker has issued for the following directives concerning travel:

Out-of-State/International Travel:
All college-sponsored, supported, or work related out-of-state travel and all system office work related out-of-state travel is canceled until further notice. This prohibition includes international travel. My office will continue to work closely with and seek recommendations from the Alabama  Department of Public Health (ADPH), Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Governor's Office and will heed advisories issued by the State Department and representatives of the federal government. We will issue updated guidance as appropriate.

Further, while it is the responsibility of employees and students to seek reimbursement for expenses surrounding canceled travel arrangements, employees and students unable to obtain reimbursement for canceled travel arrangements should contact their institution's designated point of contact for further guidance and assistance.

In-State Travel:
All personnel  planning college work related, or system office work related in-state travel are encouraged to consider whether meetings and other events can be successfully and effectively conducted via alternative meeting methods (e.g. Skype, ZOOM, teleconference, etc.). We will issue updated guidance as appropriate.

On the local level, we will be working to minimize mass gatherings on campuses when possible. Our campuses intended use is for our students; therefore, non-school related activities bring in unrelated exposure to our campuses. In the event that the College is directed to close, rescheduling of events will be considered.

For our students who live in on-campus housing, if you come into contact with, or think you have been exposed to, an infected (or suspected infected) person, immediately inform the Director of Student Services and visit a local health care facility. If at any time we, as a college, are directed to close, all students must vacate the dorms.

In the event of an extreme, emergency situation, Bevill State Community College may request temporary alternative methods of delivering on-campus and off-campus instruction. These alternate methods will be implemented for unforeseeable situations, such as natural disasters, inclement weather events or other extraordinary circumstances. Such adjustments, for the delivery of instruction, will be communicated to all of our students, faculty, and staff through the College's online learning management and email systems.

In closing, I want to encourage each of you to continue practicing good personal health habits. Please stay home when you are exhibiting symptoms of a cold or flu and avoid contact with individuals who exhibit symptoms.  If you are sick, please practice common sense guidelines for the benefit of yourself and others. Try to limit your exposure to large groups, but don't forget to make it a priority to finish this semester strong. Please be assured that additional guidance and information will be forthcoming as needed.

Kim Ennis, Ph.D.


For US colleges experiencing unplanned, mid-semester impacts due to COVID-19, Cengage is offering students free access to all our digital platforms and 14,000 ebooks through Cengage Unlimited, for the remainder of this semester.​

Charter will offer free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription and at any service level up to 100 Mbps. To enroll call 1-844-488-8395. Installation fees will be waived for new student households. Click here for more information


How to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like COVID-19.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, and then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

For more information: