PeriOp 101 Certification Class - Classes Begin January 9, 2023
Bevill State Division of Workforce Solutions

PeriOp 101 is a 15-week class that that serves as an introduction to peri-operative nursing based on the standards of the AORN’s Peri-Operative Nursing 101 program. The comprehensive and renowned AORN based training is designed for RNs who are interested in working in surgical settings. Potential career pathways include scrub nurse, circulator nurse, outpatient surgery director, OR director, or other surgical department positions. Enrolled participants meet two days a week for blended instruction as well as completing clinicals. Upon completion of the course, participants will have acquired the basic knowledge and fundamental skills needed to function in entry-level peri-operative nursing positions. Participants who complete the training are eligible for 41.7 continuing education (CE) contact hours through AORN and are prepared to sit for certification through the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN).
For additional information, contact: Linda Neuman 800.648.3271, Ext. 5569 or