Alabama's Ready to Work program provides trainees the entry-level skills required for employment with most businesses and industries in Alabama. We can help you become career ready at Bevill State.
The training curriculum is set to standards cited by business and industry employers throughout the state, and the skills cited in the U.S. Department of Labor's Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) Reports.
Ready to Work is operated through Alabama's postsecondary institutions in cooperation with AIDT. Clients admitted to the program must be at least 16 years of age and be able to read at a 9th grade level. Essential requirements for successful completion includes:
WorkKeys is a skills assessment system designed to help employers select, hire, train, develop, and retain a quality workforce. We offer 3 assessments to measure skills that employers have identified as essential to success in the workplace. WorkKeys is a powerful tool that helps students, job seekers, and professionals learn more about personal strengths and weaknesses. It also provides a valid way to demonstrate their abilities to employers.
Successful completion results in the award of an Alabama Career Readiness Certificate (CRC). Completion requires attainment of a minimum WorkKeys Assessment Level 3 on Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information, and Locating Information.
Successful completion results in the award of a State of Alabama Certified Worker Certificate. Completion requires a score of at least 70 percent on the Alabama Certified Worker Examination.
The Ready to Work program is operated by the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education and AIDT. For additional information about the Ready to Work program at Bevill State Community College, please contact:
Sydni Morgan
800-648-3271 ext. 5677